Friday, October 19, 2007

We’ll miss you Joe, but probably not for long

It’s official: Joe Torre will not be the Yankees’ manager in 2008. A look at the numbers, as Joe Mysak did for Bloomberg on Wednesday, makes this astonishing news.

First, the Yankees drew a record 4.27 million fans this year, nearly 11% more than the next most popular team, the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Next, the Yankees have been to the post season in every single one of the 12 seasons Torre has been their manager.

And in exchange for this unprecedented performance, the Yankees offered Torre a 23% pay cut.

Not re-signing Joe Torre is like not taking the opportunity to re-sign George Burns for the next God movie. Maybe Steinbrenner is working on a different kind of math. But I have a feeling, unlike another famous Yankee Joe, no one will be asking, where have you gone Joe Torre?

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